This Sideloader is manufactured by BULMOR. It is rated for 5000KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 4000MM and has a closed height of 2900MM.
Hyundai manufactured this Counter-Balance. It is rated for 2000KG at 500MM and is powered by 48V Electric. The lift height is 4700MM and the closed height of 2100MM.
This Counter-Balance is manufactured by EP. It is rated for 1500KG at 500MM and is powered by Electric Li-ION. The lift height is 4800MM and a closed height of 2240MM.
This Reach truck was manufactured by BT. It is rated for 1400KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 4000MM and a closed height of 2170MM.
This Multidirectional Counterbalance is manufactured by COMBILIFT. It is rated for 2500KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 4900MM and a closed height of 2350MM.
This Multidirectional Sideloader is manufactured by COMBILIFT. It is rated for 4000KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 4000MM with a closed height 2810MM.
This Multidirectional Counterbalance is manufactured by COMBILIFT. It is rated for 4000KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 6500MM and a closed height of 2540MM.
This Multi-Directional Sideloader is manufactured by Sidetracker. It is rated for 1000KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 5500MM with a closed height 3550MM.
This Powered Pallet Truck is manufactured by COMBILIFT. It is rated for 1450KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 5200MM with a closed height 2270MM.
This Multidirectional Reach is manufactured by COMBILIFT. It is rated for 2500KG at 600MM and is powered by Electric. The lift height is 4570MM with a closed height 2850MM. This vehicle features COMBILIFT’s new 360° steering.